
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

JOUISSANCE- barcelona- july 2013

The displacement of the individual to an unknown geografic space, as a deliberated act of placing oneself in an alien context, becomes a journey not only spatial but vital, it transforms the traveler in the fundamental protagonist of a challenge, a challenge that often gets initiated with the acceptation of loneliness.

In this new start or initiative voyage, the main anchor originates in oneself and one's epidermic border that keeps us apart from the external chaos, the hostility of what is strange, the initial disagreement with the surrounding.

Nonetheless we are able to enjoy the freedom that anonymity confers us, to appreciate the possibilities that uncertainty offer us, the rupture with the happenstance that use to constrained us. And this experience transport us to a vertiginous pain, to a delight (jouissance) that place us in discomfort’s anteroom.

But this trip is also a process of osmosis and to exist within unalike realities implies the conversion of the language, the domestication of new sceneries, the acceptation of the otherness. To be someone else being oneself.

The creative fertility of these diaspora identities, materialises through a drawing or a poem, and becomes a subjectivated work lying crossways by a volatile state of mind, aroused by the permanent provisionality.

The peculiarity of this project is, without a doubt, the creative communion of two different exile experiences, uprooting , voluntary expatriation, searching inspiration in cultural contexts diametrically different but, nevertheless, bonded in an imaginary community.

jouissance or a painful excess of pleasure urges a return to the origins, origins that after such a long absence are perceived in an altered way but in the memory are kept intact.

Barcelona becomes the reencounter space that allowed us overcome the servitude of distance.

See installation shots;